Should You Be Taking the "Universal Antioxidant"?

Should You Be Taking the "Universal Antioxidant"?

Posted by BioActive Nutrients on 24th Oct 2016

You've heard of antioxidants. They are found in food and nutrients and have a chemical property which protects against damage due to "free radicals". Free radicals can come in all shapes and sizes - smoke, toxins, effects of aging, and even oxygen. We're assaulted by free radical damage every day. Even exercise, with all its benefits, is known to cause free radical damage.

Furthermore, cancer is known as a disease in which genes are damaged. They can be damaged by fungal poisons (mycotoxins), free radicals, radiation, and other common exposures.

This is why many oncologists encourage their patients to eat foods such as berries, brightly colored vegetables, and green tea, all of which are rich in antioxidants. There are also antioxidant supplements for those people that don't get enough from their diet.

One antioxidant nutrient that has unusual mechanisms of action is Alpha Lipoic Acid, which is known as the Universal Antioxidant. Some practitioners have suggested this supplement (and foods rich in alpha lipoic) because of its unique properties.

Alpha Lipoic acid is both water-soluble and fat soluble, making it uniquely able to work in all parts of the body.

It also is known to extend the life of other antioxidants, such as Vitamin C and Vitamin E.

For patients dealing with blood sugar issues, alpha lipoic acid has been known to improve insulin sensitivity. It has even been studied as a way to help people with neuropathy due to blood sugar issues, and early results seem positive.

And then there's cancer. Normal cells experience apoptosis, which means that they "die" when they're supposed to. Cancer cells, on the other hand, are abnormal cells that have uncontrolled growth. They resist apoptosis. The respected Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center reports that three studies show alpha lipoic acid has an apoptosis-encouraging effect on cancer cells. (NOTE: the studies were done in test tubes. More studies are needed to determine if the same effect occurs in the human body.)

Doug Kaufmann has been published in a prestigious medical journal, showing an association between cancer and fungal poison known as mycotoxins. Alpha lipoic acid is known as an anti-mycotic nutrient.

So there's a lot to be excited about with Alpha Lipoic Acid.

*BioActive Nutrients does not claim any supplement will treat or cure any disease. We encourage you to continue to research for yourself and discuss the use of alpha lipoic acid with your licensed health care professional.